Put a Finger Down- Toxic School Edition!
Put a finger down if you’ve been given lower grades because a teacher didn’t like you.
Put a finger down if you’ve been taunted for being friends with the opposite sex.
Put a finger down if you’ve been compared to kids in your class.
Put a finger down if your skirt length has been commented upon in public.
Put a finger down if your property was confiscated without a reason.
If you have more than 2 fingers down, congratulations!
You survived a toxic school culture!
Not surprised, are you? We think there’s no kid on Earth who hasn’t faced unjust difficulties at school. However, the lack of surprise is what’s most surprising! Toxic practices have been so normalised at school that we don’t even realise how detrimental this can be for a child’s growing environment. We have accepted that this is the typical student experience and don’t even expect any better. A school is supposed to be our second home at that age; it’s supposed to be conducive for our progress. But instead of learning, we spend more time wondering if our hair style is appropriate or justifying basic teenage habits. We end up being mistreated in subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways, which makes school a diabolical experience to get through.
So, here we are, with the series “What’s Up With Our Schools?” to knuckle down on and slowly unravel every little aspect that’s dreadful about our education system and more.
As a part of this series, we want to give every student the opportunity to share their appalling stories, horrifying anecdotes or upsetting experiences, as a form of cathartic relief and mental support (something we probably didn’t get at school lol). If you’d like to be a part of this, write in using our “Contact Us” page.
So ask yourself, What Is Up With Our Schools?
Stay tuned for our first article on Learning Disabilities soon!
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